
The idea behind the project

The tutorial project “Il terzo occhio” (the third eye) has been generated from an idea by teachers of the Scuola Secondaria di I grado of the Istituto Comprensivo di Cuneo Corso Soleri and involves, aiming to improve networking and orientation, the secondary school institutes of 2nd degree of: ITIS “Delpozzo” , ITC Bonelli, Liceo Artistico e Musicale “E. Bianchi”, all located in Cuneo. The Istituto Comprensivo, promoter of the project, is located in the heart of the historical centre of Cuneo, city that is going through a profound change of its look, thanks to several activities of urban improvement that are as well reflecting in the social habits and attitudes of its inhabitants. The location enhanced the spontaneous action of the teachers in conjunction with the territory.

Our teenagers had the opportunity to interact with the territory of the historical centre as well as the whole town, in search for PLACES, CHARACTERS and EVENTS that meant to the local memory; they collected and narrate them in an AUDIO-GUIDE of the URBAN HISTORY, available online.

The classes of the 1st degree secondary school of the old town have carried out an historical search, synthesizing the essential aspects in a short informative text then recorded in audio format by the Liceo Musicale “Ego Bianchi” and uploaded in a website created by the students of ITIS “Delpozzo”. Every citizen of Cuneo or tourist can access to the specific information by simply taking a picture of the relevant QR code located nearby the interesting spot..

Texts were translated in English by the students of the ITC Bonelli and then recorded in audio format in the recording studios of the Liceo Artistico Musicale Ego Bianchi.

The website you are visiting, designed by the students of ITIS “Delpozzo” of Cuneo, includes many footage pictures as well as recent images taken by the students themselves while visiting the sites. Registered visitors of the website may contribute as well by uploading their pictures as well.

The students of the High School musical conceived and produced the soundtrack of the website.

The project will have as well a long-term effect and validity as the selected spots inside the urban tours will increase year by year with new entries.