Casa Genaro

Casa Genaro is situated in the old part of Cuneo, at the crossroads between Via Mondovì and Via Savigliano. The arcaded house is an example of 16th-century Renaissance architecture style
The arcade overlooking Via Mondovì consists of two adjoining arches supported by some pillars and a central column. Above the arches there was a decoration of fake windows and a sundial that were removed during the renovation of the building
On the facade you can still see images portraying some military commanders on pedestals, with some animals curled up at their feet. However, these decorations in the Mannerist style have been damaged by rain and bad weather over the years. The frescoes of the Renaissance period which decorate Casa Genaro were probably painted by the "bottega" of the master artists Dolce from Savigliano.
A helical staircase, built inside an ancient tower situated in the part of the building that opened on Via Savigliano, led to the two upper floors. Nowadays you walk up the flight of steps that was added when some measures had to be taken to reinforce and renovate the historic house.