Della Chiesa palace

The Della Chiesa Palace, bordered by Via Cacciatori delle Alpi, Via Savigliano and Via Chiusa Pesio, was built in 1503. It is one of the most important private palaces in the history of Cuneo, owned by an aristocratic family, the Della Chiesa Counts, originating from Lombardy. The building still preserves the original system: the courtyard, enclosed with two lines of open galleries, is enriched by a square tower typical of medieval buildings, a symbol of the power and wealth of the most prestigious families of the municipality. The hall, equipped with a driveway for carriages during the 18th century, and the monumental entrance stairway are the result of renovation works which date back to the 17th and 18th centuries. The coat of arms of the aristocratic family is engraved both on top of the portal in Via Chiusa Pesio and on an internal wall of the courtyard, with the family motto “Never late was divine grace”. It represents a church with a crowned eagle above it, which was the symbol of the Holy Roman Empire the family had probably ties to. The year of the construction - 1503 -, is inscribed on an internal Doric capital. The Della Chiesa Palace is today property of the Council of Cuneo.